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Report No.

Clay-based modeling approach to diffusion and sorption in the argillaceous rock from the Horonobe URL; Application to Ni(II), Am(III), and Se(IV)

Tachi, Yukio  ; Suyama, Tadahiro; Yotsuji, Kenji; Ishii, Yasuo; Takahashi, Hiroaki*

Sorption and diffusion of radionuclides in argillaceous rocks are key processes in the safe geological disposal. The diffusion and sorption behavior of Ni(II), Am(III) and Se(IV) in mudstone from the Horonobe URL were investigated by experimental and modeling approaches. Effective diffusivities obtained by the through-diffusion experiments were in the sequence of Cs$$^{+}$$, Ni$$^{2+}$$, HTO, I$$^{-}$$, Se(SeO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$), Am(Am(CO$$_{3}$$)$$^{2-}$$) by comparison with the previous study. The distribution coefficient values were consistent with those obtained by batch sorption tests. These results were interpreted by the clay-based modeling approach coupling the thermodynamic sorption model assuming key contributions of clays (smectite and illite) and the diffusion model assuming the electrical double layer theory and the simplified pore model with size distribution. This clay-based model could provide reasonable account of observed trends and could be basically applicable for various radionuclides.



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