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Disruption analysis of the ${it recJ}$ gene in ${it Deinococcus grandis}$

${it Deinococcus grandis}$における${it recJ}$遺伝子の破壊解析

鳴海 一成*; 小森谷 甲*; 佐藤 勝也

Narumi, Issey*; Komoriya, Kan*; Sato, Katsuya

Other groups failed to generate the ${it recJ}$ disruptant strains, suggesting an essential role of ${it recJ}$ in ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$. ${it D. grandis}$ is an extremely radiation resistant bacterium closely related to ${it D. radiodurans}$. We attempted to generate a disruptant strain of ${it recJ}$ to determine whether the gene is essential for cell viability in ${it D. grandis}$. As a result, we could generate a complete ${it recJ}$ disruptant strain. Although the ${it recJ}$ disruptant strain exhibited slightly reduced growth relative to the wild-type strain, the sensitivity of the ${it recJ}$ disruptant strain to UV-C is comparable to that of the wild-type strain, suggesting a very minor role of RecJ for repair of DNA damage induced by UV-C in ${it D. grandis}$. On the other hand, the loss of ${it recJ}$ caused a drastic morphological change in cells. The filamentation phenotype suggests an important role of RecJ in normal cell division of ${it D. grandis}$.



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