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 年 ~ 

Reentrant superconductivity driven by quantum tricritical fluctuations in URhGe; Evidence from $$^{59}$$Co NMR in URh$$_{0.9}$$Co$$_{0.1}$$Ge

URhGeにおける三重臨界ゆらぎを起源とする磁場誘起超伝導; URh$$_{0.9}$$Co$$_{0.1}$$Geの$$^{59}$$Co NMRによる証明Co

徳永 陽  ; 青木 大*; Mayaffre, H.*; Kr$"a$mer, S.*; Julien, M.-H.*; Berthier, C.*; Horvati$'c$, M.*; 酒井 宏典   ; 神戸 振作  ; 荒木 新吾*

Tokunaga, Yo; Aoki, Dai*; Mayaffre, H.*; Kr$"a$mer, S.*; Julien, M.-H.*; Berthier, C.*; Horvati$'c$, M.*; Sakai, Hironori; Kambe, Shinsaku; Araki, Shingo*


Our measurements of the $$^{59}$$Co NMR spin-spin relaxation in URh$$_{0.9}$$Co$$_{0.1}$$Ge reveal a divergence of electronic spin fluctuations in the vicinity of the field-induced quantum critical point at $$H_Rapprox13$$ T, around which reentrant superconductivity (RSC) occurs in the ferromagnetic heavy fermion compound URhGe. We show that critical fluctuations develop in the same limited region near the field $$H_R$$ as that where RSC is observed. This strongly suggests these quantum fluctuations as the pairing glue responsible for the RSC. The fluctuations observed are characteristic of a tricritical point.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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