※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

福島長期環境動態研究,14; 生活圏およびその周辺における空間線量率の長期変遷に基づく動態の考察

Long-term assessment of transport of radioactive contaminant in the environment of Fukushima (F-TRACE Project), 14; Long-term variation and its trend of air dose rate aimed at transport of radiocaesium around residence area in Fukushima

中間 茂雄 ; 吉村 和也  ; 藤原 健壮 

Nakama, Shigeo; Yoshimura, Kazuya; Fujiwara, Kenso


Periodic air dose rate, surface dose rate and surface contaminant density measurements around Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were carried out at six decontaminated areas. These measurements were carried out location of predicted migrate radioactive cesium and re-contamination. Two years changes in the air dose rates showed using the resultant survey data. Dose rates decreased with time. Remarkably air dose rate changes were not observed.



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