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IFMIF/EVEDAリチウムターゲット系と試験設備系の実証試験と工学設計の活動報告,4; リチウム安全取扱技術開発

Activities summary on lithium target system and test facilities in IFMIF/EVEDA Project, 4; Technology development for lithium safety handling

平川 康 ; 古川 智弘  ; 飯島 稔; 近藤 浩夫; 金村 卓治; 若井 栄一  

Hirakawa, Yasushi; Furukawa, Tomohiro; Iijima, Minoru; Kondo, Hiroo; Kanemura, Takuji; Wakai, Eiichi


Lithium, which is used as the neutron source of the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF), reacts easily with nitrogen, oxygen and humidity in atmosphere. In this study, the R&D results on the lithium safety handling are presented in this study. The contents are (a) lithium fire extinguishing, (b) chemical reaction of lithium at elevated temperature, (c) lithium cleaning for the components and (d) impurity analysis of lithium.



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