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 年 ~ 

Japan UK collaboration on developing novel restoration materials for clean-up of radionuclides in the environment


大貫 敏彦

Onuki, Toshihiko


This joint JAEA/U. Birmingham research is built on the work of an established internationally leading collaboration for the development, characterization, and testing of two novel systems for immobilization of Cs$$^{+}$$, Sr$$^{2+}$$ and Co$$^{2+}$$. The novelty of the first set of materials is that they are designed to be controlled by magnetized materials along with the recovered radionuclides in situ by halophilic organisms. This material could therefore be used in decontamination of harbor seawater of the FDNPP. The second novel materials are designed to be poured or injected into the ground to form porous barriers that will trap the targeted radionuclides and prevent further migration.



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