※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Current status and future prospects of neutron protein crystallography at J-PARC

玉田 太郎; 平野 優; 友寄 克亮; 栗原 和男

Tamada, Taro; Hirano, Yu; Tomoyori, Katsuaki; Kurihara, Kazuo


Two facilities for neutron protein crystallography have been installed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency. One is the research reactor, JRR-3, and the other is Material and Life science experimental Facility (MLF) in J-PARC. We have performed high-resolution neutron crystal structure analyses of two electron transfer proteins. We succeeded in data collection of these proteins at higher resolution, 1.1${AA}$ (high-potential iron-sulfur protein) and 1.4${AA}$ (NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase), using BL03 (iBIX) beamline in J-PARC/MLF. Joint neutron and X-ray crystallographic refinement is in progress, but we have already confirmed some characteristic hydorogens which have unideal geometries. In addition, we have a plan of installation of new diffractomer in J-PARC, which is able to cover such a crystal with large unit cell (~250${AA}$). The operation of new diffractometer will allow neutron structure analyses of membrane proteins and protein complexes. In this presentation, we also talk about our approach for installation of new diffractomer.



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