Compact neutron sources for energy and security
上坂 充*; 小林 仁*; 呉田 昌俊
; 糠塚 重裕*; 西村 和哉*; 井頭 政之*; 堀 順一*; 鬼柳 善明*; 田儀 和浩*; 關 善親*; 藤原 健*; 大竹 淑恵*; 栗原 俊一*; 平林 誠之*; 密本 俊典*
Uesaka, Mitsuru*; Kobayashi, Hitoshi*; Kureta, Masatoshi; Nakatsuka, Shigehiro*; Nishimura, Kazuya*; Igashira, Masayuki*; Hori, Junichi*; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*; Tagi, Kazuhiro*; Seki, Toshichika*; Fujiwara, Takeshi*; Otake, Yoshie*; Kurihara, Toshikazu*; Hirabayashi, Masayuki*; Mitsumoto, Toshinori*
We choose nuclear data and nuclear material inspection for energy application and nondestructive testing of explosive and hidden nuclear materials for security application. 90 keV electrostatic accelerators of deuterium are commercially available for nondestructive testing. For nuclear data measurement, electrostatic ion accelerators and L-band and S-band electron linear accelerators (linac) are used for the neutron source. Compact or mobile X-band electron linac neutron sources are under development. Compact proton linac neutron source is used for nondestructive testing especially water in solids. Several efforts for more neutron intensity using proton and deuteron accelerators are also introduced.