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 年 ~ 

Evaluation for influence of new volcanic eruption on geological disposal site


島田 太郎 ; 武田 聖司 ; 酒井 隆太郎*; 田窪 一也; 田中 忠夫 

Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji; Sakai, Ryutaro*; Takubo, Kazuya; Tanaka, Tadao


Volcanic eruption which may affect geological disposal system directly depends on the regional location in Japan. It is required that the disposal site should be located far from existing volcanos. However, there are regions where it is impossible to exclude the possibility of appearance of new volcanic activity on the site even if the site is located far from existing volcanos. In order to identify the influence of volcanic eruption at disposal site to public if it occurs public exposure doses were evaluated based on the two scenarios considering types of eruption at new volcanic activity in Japan. One is the exposure by tephra widespread by Strombolian eruption and deposited on the ground surface, including radionuclides from vitrified waste forms after a volcanic conduit penetrated disposal galleries. The other is that by waste forms appeared at the surface by Merapi type pyroclastic flow. Exposure doses of the residents living on the tephra do not exceed 1mSv/y even when the eruption occurs at 1,000 years after closure of disposal site. Dose rate for the volcanic researchers temporarily approaching waste forms becomes less than 1mSv/h when the eruption occurs 100,000 years after. It indicated that attention should be paid to the impact by Merapi type pyroclastic flow on researchers approaching waste forms appeared rather than that by Strombolian eruption on residents living on the tephra widespread.



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