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Protein dynamics in glycerol and water mixture

中川 洋   ; 柴田 薫  ; 山田 武*

Nakagawa, Hiroshi; Shibata, Kaoru; Yamada, Takeshi*


Dynamics of protein and the water in the molecular crowding environment was observed in a DNA instrument of J-PARC/MLF. Using glycerol which was a small molecule crowding agent, the molecular crowding effect on molecular diffusion and structure fluctuation of the protein was examined. As a result of analysis, two quasi-elastic scatterings were separated derived from global diffusion and internal motion of protein. And it was found that the glycerol concentration-dependent global diffusion was correlated with the viscosity of the solvent. In addition, EISF from the internal motion was high in glycerol density, and it was suggested that protein internal motion was restricted by glycerol.



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