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幌延深地層研究センターゆめ地創館を活用したリスク・コミュニケーションについて; 2014年度

Risk communication activity which used "YUME Chisoukan" in the Horonobe Underground Research Center; FY2014

藤原 利如; 片田 偉奈雄; 星野 雅人; 徳永 博昭*; 堀越 秀彦*

Fujiwara, Toshiyuki; Katada, Inao; Hoshino, Masato; Tokunaga, Hiroaki*; Horikoshi, Hidehiko*


Horonobe Underground Research Center managed by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is the Japan's best environment to understand the project of geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste of Japan because there is an underground research laboratory (URL) in the center besides an exhibition facility which explains the content of research conducted in the URL. In the area of the center, there is also an exhibition facility for the full-scale model of engineered barrier system of geological disposal. JAEA takes advantage of this opportunity to conduct public hearing including questionnaire research regarding the questions, anxieties and comments by the visitors for geological disposal project. This report summarizes the result of statistical analysis of 2457 comments by the visitors from April to November in 2014.



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