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 年 ~ 

High precision analysis of isotopic composition for samples used for nuclear cross-section measurements


芝原 雄司*; 堀 順一*; 高宮 幸一*; 藤井 俊行*; 福谷 哲*; 佐野 忠史*; 原田 秀郎   

Shibahara, Yuji*; Hori, Junichi*; Takamiya, Koichi*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*; Fukutani, Satoshi*; Sano, Tadafumi*; Harada, Hideo

For the accuracy improvement of nuclear data of minor actinides and long-lived fission products in AIMAC project, high quality data of the isotopic composition of samples are indispensable. The objective of this research is to obtain the isotopic composition data of samples contributing to the analysis of nuclear cross-section measurement data by mass spectrometry etc. In this study, we analyzed the isotopic composition of two Am samples ($$^{241}$$ Am sample and $$^{243}$$ Am sample) mainly by the thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). In addition to the TIMS, Am samples were also analyzed by $$alpha$$-spectrometry. In the analysis by both methods, the impurities such as $$^{239}$$Pu, $$^{240}$$Pu, $$^{242}$$Cm and$$^{244}$$Cm were also observed. The results of these analyses are presented together with the developed high precision analytical method.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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