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Sensitivity analyses of sediment and $$^{137}$$Cs behaviors in reservoirs during rainfall events

操上 広志  ; 北村 哲浩   

Kurikami, Hiroshi; Kitamura, Akihiro


In this study, to understand the sensitivity of intensity and duration of flood events to discharges of sediment and radioactive cesium during flood events, we performed sensitivity analyses by using the FLESCOT code. The results showed that the discharge proportions depended on sediment size, event intensity and event duration. The proportions of sediment/$$^{137}$$Cs discharges increase, as event duration is shorter/heavier. The silt component is a main carrier of radioactive cesium in larger events, while the clay-sorbed and dissolved forms are dominant in smaller events. In heavier events, resuspension of bed sediment took place.



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