※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Rotating corrosion test of steel materials in diluted seawater

塚田 隆 ; 北 智士; 上野 文義  

Tsukada, Takashi; Kita, Satoshi; Ueno, Fumiyoshi


Corrosion behavior of steel materials such as mild steel or low alloy steel in water environment has been examined by corrosion tests immersing specimens statically to test solution. However, in the actual plant environment, conditions of water flow or alternating exposure to water/air are dynamically affecting the corrosion behavior. In this study, therefore, corrosion tests by rotating flat-type specimens in the diluted seawater/air environment were performed and effects of water flow and alternating exposure on corrosion of the steels were examined. Results of the rotating corrosion tests in 200 times diluted seawater saturated with dissolved oxygen at 30$$^{circ}$$C for 500 hours will be presented and discussed in the presentation.



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