※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Determination of the $$^8{rm B}(p,gamma)^9{rm C}$$ reaction rate through direct nuclear reaction theories

直接反応論による$$^8{rm B}(p,gamma)^9{rm C}$$の反応率の決定

福井 徳朗; 緒方 一介*; 蓑茂 工将*; 八尋 正信*

Fukui, Tokuro; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Minomo, Kosho*; Yahiro, Masanobu*

The $$^8{rm B}(p,gamma)^9{rm C}$$ reaction is expected to ignite the hot pp chain and its astrophysical factor at zero energy $$S_{18}$$(0) has been evaluated through alternative measurements. However the analyses in their work were done with primitive reaction model, in which the excitation of nuclei in the intermediate state was not properly taken into account. We have reanalyzed the elastic breakup reaction $$^{208}{rm Pb}(^9{rm C}, p^8B)^{208}{rm Pb}$$ and the proton removal reactions $$^{12}{rm C}(^9{rm C}, ^8{rm B})$$ and $$^{27}{rm Al}(^9{rm C}, ^8{rm B})$$ by means of the method of the continuum-discretized coupled-channels (CDCC). The CDCC is able to calculate distorted waves employing the coupled-channels approach regarding bound-continuum states couplings as well as continuum-continuum ones. Furthermore, in order to analyze the transfer reaction $$^8{rm B}(d,n)^9{rm C}$$, we have constructed the coupled-channels Born approximation (CCBA) model, in which excitation of $$d$$ and $$^9{rm C}$$ is explicitly taken into account by CDCC.



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分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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