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Neutron-hole states in $$^{131}$$Sn and spin-orbit splitting in neutron-rich nuclei

Orlandi, R.; Pain, S. D.*; Ahn, S.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Schmitt, K. T.*; Bardayan, D. W.*; Catford, W. N.*; Chapman, R.*; Chipps, K. A.*; Cizewski, J. A.*; et al.

Physics Letters B, 785, p.615 - 620, 2018/10

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:54.37(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Low-lying neutron-hole states in $$^{131}$$Sn were populated via the $$^{132}$$Sn(d,t) reaction at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The triton angular distributions were compared to DWBA calculations and revealed spectroscopic factors compatible with a single-hole nature of the states populated. The data permit to determine the spin-orbit splitting of the strongly bound $$d_{3/2}$$ and $$d_{5/2}$$ neutron orbits below the shell gap, which was compared to the splitting of the weakly bound 3$$p$$ and 2$$f$$ orbits above the gap. The comparison revealed a smaller energy splitting of the 3$$p$$ orbits. All splittings were reproduced using Woods-Saxon calculations, and the lower splitting of the 3$$p$$ orbits was explained to arise from the large radial extent of the wavefunction and small value of the amplitude at the surface. This result is important to understand at a fundamental level the spin-orbit interaction, and its effects on neutron-rich nuclei.


Interference effect between neutron direct and resonance capture reactions for neutron-rich nuclei

湊 太志; 福井 徳朗

EPJ Web of Conferences, 163, p.00037_1 - 00037_5, 2017/11

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:75.95(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Theoretical investigation of two-particle two-hole effects on spin-isospin excitations through charge-exchange reactions

福井 徳朗*; 湊 太志

Physical Review C, 96(5), p.054608_1 - 054608_8, 2017/11

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:32.59(Physics, Nuclear)

The effect of the two-particle two-hole (2p2h) configuration on the Gamow-Teller (GT) transition causes the quenching problem of GT resonances. To solve this problem, we investigate the GT resonance of $$^{48}$$Ca(p,n)$$^{48}$$Sc. The Fermi transition of $$^{48}$$Ca is also investigated in order to demonstrate our framework. The transition density is calculated by the second Tamm-Dancoff approximation, whereas the distorted-wave Born approximation is employed to described the reaction process. A phenomenological Gaussian interaction is used to prepare the form factor. For the Fermi transition, our approach describes better the experimental behavior of the cross section than that calculated by the Lane model, which is conventionally adopted. We show the 2p2h effect on the GT transition decreases the magnitude of the cross section and does not change the shape of the angular distribution. The $$Delta l=2$$ transition on the present reaction is found to play a negligible role.


Probing surface distributions of $$alpha$$ clusters in $$^{20}$$Ne via $$alpha$$-transfer reaction

福井 徳朗; 谷口 億宇*; 須原 唯広*; 延与 佳子*; 緒方 一介*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 863(1), p.012036_1 - 012036_3, 2017/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Applied)

Direct evidence of the $$alpha$$-cluster development has not been obtained yet although it was carried out a number of experimental studies attempting to extract the information of the clustering. We aim to verify the development of the $$alpha$$-cluster structure from observables. As a first application, it is argued how to extract the spatial information of the cluster structure of $$^{20}$$Ne through the cross section of $$^{16}$$O($$^6$$Li,$$d$$)$$^{20}$$Ne. For the analysis of the transfer reaction, we work with the coupled-channels Born approximation (CCBA) approach, in which the breakup effects of $$^6$$Li are taken into account by means of the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method (CDCC). The microscopic cluster model (MCM) with the generator coordinate method (GCM) is adopted to calculate the $$alpha$$-$$^{16}$$O wave function. We show that our calculation gives a significant improvement of the prediction on the transfer cross section to be consistent with experimental data. It is found that the surface region of the cluster wave function is sensitive to the cross section.



福井 徳朗

原子核研究, 61(Suppl.1), p.22 - 25, 2017/03

量子力学の基本原理である重ねあわせの原理は、原子核物理においても重要である。最も単純な例では、重陽子の基底状態におけるs波とd波の混合が挙げられる。一般に、異なる量子状態(チャネル)の線形結合で記述された系のSchr$"o$dinger方程式は、チャネル結合方程式と呼ばれる連立方程式を導き、それを解くことでチャネルの混合を考慮した波動関数が得られる。本講演では、原子核物理におけるチャネル結合法の基本的性質について、先の重陽子の例に加え、Hartree-Fock法などのいくつかの例を通して、その理解を深めることを目的とする。続いて、核反応計算においてチャネル結合法を適用した我々の研究成果を紹介する。特に、散乱における粒子の内部励起に関するチャネル結合法(連続状態離散化チャネル結合法; CDCC)の説明に重点を置く。CDCCを用いた研究成果の1つとして、従来の簡単化した模型では決して現れなかった移行反応における新奇な反応メカニズムを報告する。


Determination of the $$^8{rm B}(p,gamma)^9{rm C}$$ reaction rate through direct nuclear reaction theories

福井 徳朗; 緒方 一介*; 蓑茂 工将*; 八尋 正信*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 14, p.020513_1 - 020513_3, 2017/02

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

The $$^8{rm B}(p,gamma)^9{rm C}$$ reaction is expected to ignite the hot pp chain and its astrophysical factor at zero energy $$S_{18}$$(0) has been evaluated through alternative measurements. However the analyses in their work were done with primitive reaction model, in which the excitation of nuclei in the intermediate state was not properly taken into account. We have reanalyzed the elastic breakup reaction $$^{208}{rm Pb}(^9{rm C}, p^8B)^{208}{rm Pb}$$ and the proton removal reactions $$^{12}{rm C}(^9{rm C}, ^8{rm B})$$ and $$^{27}{rm Al}(^9{rm C}, ^8{rm B})$$ by means of the method of the continuum-discretized coupled-channels (CDCC). The CDCC is able to calculate distorted waves employing the coupled-channels approach regarding bound-continuum states couplings as well as continuum-continuum ones. Furthermore, in order to analyze the transfer reaction $$^8{rm B}(d,n)^9{rm C}$$, we have constructed the coupled-channels Born approximation (CCBA) model, in which excitation of $$d$$ and $$^9{rm C}$$ is explicitly taken into account by CDCC.


Probing surface distributions of $$alpha$$ clusters in $$^{20}$$Ne via $$alpha$$-transfer reaction

福井 徳朗; 谷口 億宇*; 須原 唯広*; 延与 佳子*; 緒方 一介*

Physical Review C, 93(3), p.034606_1 - 034606_9, 2016/03


 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:73.57(Physics, Nuclear)

Direct evidence of the $$alpha$$-cluster development has not been obtained yet although it was carried out a number of experimental studies attempting to extract the information of the clustering. We aim to verify the development of the $$alpha$$-cluster structure from observables. As a first application, it is argued how to extract the spatial information of the cluster structure of $$^{20}$$Ne through the cross section of $$^{16}$$O($$^6$$Li,$$d$$)$$^{20}$$Ne. For the analysis of the transfer reaction, we work with the coupled-channels Born approximation (CCBA) approach, in which the breakup effects of $$^6$$Li are taken into account by means of the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method (CDCC). The microscopic cluster model (MCM) with the generator coordinate method (GCM) is adopted to calculate the $$alpha$$-$$^{16}$$O wave function. We show that our calculation gives a significant improvement of the prediction on the transfer cross section to be consistent with experimental data. It is found that the surface region of the cluster wave function is sensitive to the cross section.


直接反応論による移行反応研究の最新成果; DWBAを超えた模型の必要性

福井 徳朗

no journal, , 



Description of transfer reactions with coupled-channels Born approximation

福井 徳朗; 延与 佳子*; 菊地 右馬*; 松本 琢磨*; 緒方 一介*; 須原 唯広*; 谷口 億宇*; 八尋 正信*

no journal, , 

First, we show that, for the coupled-channels Born approximation (CCBA) analysis of the $$^{8}{rm B}(d,n)^{9}{rm C}$$ reaction, it is essentially important to consider the transfer process from (to) the breakup state of $$d$$ ($$^{9}{rm C}$$). These transfer process called the breakup transfer is never taken into account in the distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA). Next, the importance of the CCBA model is given for the description of the $$alpha$$-transfer reaction$$^{16}{rm O}(^{6}{rm Li},d)^{20}{rm Ne}$$, of which, so far the DWBA has been failed to produce the cross section to be consistent with measured one. Our calculation greatly improves coincidence of the calculation with the data and enables us to discuss the surface distribution of the $$alpha$$-cluster structure of $$^{20}{rm Ne}$$. Finally, how to describe transfer reaction to continuum state, such as $$alpha(d,p)^{5}{rm He}$$, is presented. It is known that the integration in the transition matrix ($$T$$ matrix) of such reaction does not converge. To avoid this problem, the prior form of the $$T$$ matrix, for which the CCBA model is required to calculate the approximately exact wave function of the final channel, is employed.



福井 徳朗; 湊 太志

no journal, , 

原子核の励起状態を微視的構造模型を用いて精密に記述するためには、1粒子1空孔(1p-1h)状態の重ね合わせだけでなく、高次の粒子空孔状態の取り扱いが極めて重要であることが知られている。例えばスピン・アイソスピン反転を伴うGamow-Teller (GT)遷移においては、遷移強度が多粒子多空孔($$m$$p-$$m$$h)状態などの影響で和則を満たさないことが知られている。このような観点から、GT遷移強度における2粒子2空孔(2p-2h)状態の影響を、Skyrme力を採用したsecond Tamm-Dancoff approximation (STDA)模型を用いて分析した結果が近年報告された。本研究では、先の分析で得られた結果の理解をさらに深めるために、実験と直接比較が可能な荷電交換反応の断面積における2p-2h効果の影響を分析する。遷移密度の計算にはSTDA模型を採用し、始・終状態間の原子核の遷移をLane模型によって記述する。荷電交換反応に対する遷移行列の計算にはdistorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA)を用いる。具体例として$$^{48}$$Ca($$p$$, $$n$$)$$^{48}$$Sc反応を対象とし、その断面積の角度分布における2p-2h効果の寄与を分析する。さらに、遷移密度の計算にsecond random phase approximation (SRPA)を採用することにより、STDAでは考慮されていなかった原子核の基底状態の相関の効果を議論する。



福井 徳朗; 谷口 億宇*; 須原 唯広*; 延与 佳子*; 緒方 一介*

no journal, , 



Determination of the $$^8{rm B}(p,gamma)^9{rm C}$$ reaction rate through direct nuclear reaction theories

福井 徳朗

no journal, , 

The $$^8{rm B}(p,gamma)^9{rm C}$$ reaction is expected to ignite the hot pp chain and its astrophysical factor at zero energy $$S_{18}$$(0) has been evaluated through alternative measurements. However the analyses in their work were done with primitive reaction model, in which the excitation of nuclei in the intermediate state was not properly taken into account. We have reanalyzed the elastic breakup reaction $$^{208}{rm Pb}(^9{rm C}, p^8B)^{208}{rm Pb}$$ and the proton removal reactions $$^{12}{rm C}(^9{rm C}, ^8{rm B})$$ and $$^{27}{rm Al}(^9{rm C}, ^8{rm B})$$ by means of the method of the continuum-discretized coupled-channels (CDCC). The CDCC is able to calculate distorted waves employing the coupled-channels approach regarding bound-continuum states couplings as well as continuum-continuum ones. Furthermore, in order to analyze the transfer reaction $$^8{rm B}(d,n)^9{rm C}$$, we have constructed the coupled-channels Born approximation (CCBA) model, in which excitation of $$d$$ and $$^9{rm C}$$ is explicitly taken into account by CDCC.



湊 太志; 福井 徳朗*

no journal, , 



Effect of two-particle two-hole excitations in target nuclei on inelastic differential cross sections

湊 太志; 福井 徳郎*

no journal, , 


14 件中 1件目~14件目を表示
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