※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

福島における放射性物質の分布状況調査と関連研究,2; 広域走行サーベイによる空間線量率の経時変化

Mapping project in Fukushima and related researches, 2; Changing trends of air dose rates measured by car-borne surveys in wide area

安藤 真樹  ; 斎藤 公明  ; 松田 規宏  

Ando, Masaki; Saito, Kimiaki; Matsuda, Norihiro


As part of the investigation on distribution of air dose rates around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, car-borne surveys using KURAMA-II has been conducted over a wide area since 2011, and the measurement data of the air dose rates in the eastern Japan have been accumulated. The enormous amount of measurement data of the air dose rates were analyzed, and the decreasing trend of air dose rates was found to be depending on the evacuation order areas and the prefecture.



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