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使用済み燃料プールの事故時の安全性向上に関する研究,11; MAAPを用いたSFPスプレイ及び代替注水の冷却特性評価

Study on improvement of safety for accident conditions in spent fuel pool, 11; Evaluation of cooling characteristics of SFP spray and alternative water injection with MAAP code

西村 聡*; 佐竹 正哲*; 曽我 昇太*; 西 義久*; 加治 芳行  ; 根本 義之  

Nishimura, Satoshi*; Satake, Masaaki*; Soga, Shota*; Nishi, Yoshihisa*; Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Nemoto, Yoshiyuki


Using the severe accident code MAAP5.03, simulation of the loss of cooling function accident in spent fuel pool was conducted and cooling performance of the emergency cooling systems such as spray or water inlet was evaluated.



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