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A Simple method to create gamma-ray-source spectrum for passive gamma technique


芝 知宙  ; 前田 茂貴   ; 相楽 洋*; 石見 明洋 ; 富川 裕文

Shiba, Tomooki; Maeda, Shigetaka; Sagara, Hiroshi*; Ishimi, Akihiro; Tomikawa, Hirofumi


In the present paper, the $$gamma$$ ray source data was developed for the debris composition based on "best estimates", and the subsequent photon transportation calculation was performed to evaluate the leakage $$gamma$$ ray spectra according to the fuel debris. Since the creation of the line spectrum source requires a great deal, we have developed the relatively simple but accurate enough method to build up $$gamma$$ ray source, coupling of baseline spectra evaluated by ORIGEN2 code and several line spectra of interest. One of the advantages of the method is taking bremsstrahlung X rays into consideration by utilizing the bremsstrahlung libraries of ORIGEN2. The new $$gamma$$ ray source was used to calculate the detector response of HPGe detector and the results was compared as a benchmark with experimental measurement results of irradiated fuel pins. As the result, the simulated $$gamma$$ ray spectrum shape agreed well with the shape of $$gamma$$ ray spectrum obtained by the experiment.



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分野:Energy & Fuels



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