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 年 ~ 

Testing the tetraquark structure for the X resonances in the low-lying region


Kim, H.*; Kim, K. S.*; Cheoun, M.-K.*; 慈道 大介*; 岡 眞   

Kim, H.*; Kim, K. S.*; Cheoun, M.-K.*; Jido, Daisuke*; Oka, Makoto

チャームを含むテトラクォーク状態であるX共鳴に関して、カラースピン相互作用によるスペクトルの分析を行った。スピンが0, 1, 2の状態について超微細構造を計算し、2個のスピン0状態と2個のスピン1状態の固有状態を求めた。X(3872)の質量をインプットとして、他の状態の質量の予言を与え、X(3823), X(3900), X(3940)などの量子状態を決めた。パラメータはすでにDおよびBメソンのスペクトルで決めた値を用い、チャームが隠れたXと無矛盾であることを示した。

Assuming four-quark structure for the $$X$$ resonances in low-lying region, we calculate their masses using the color-spin interaction. In specific, the hyperfine masses of the color-spin interaction are calculated for the possible states in spin-0, spin-1, spin-2 channels. The two states in spin-0 channel as well as the two states in spin-1 channel are diagonalized in order to generate the physical hyperfine masses. By matching the difference in hyperfine masses with the splitting in corresponding hadron masses and using the $$X(3872)$$ mass as an input, we estimate the masses corresponding to the states $$J^{PC}=0^{++},1^{+-},2^{++}$$. We find the masses of two states in $$1^{+-}$$ are close to those of $$X(3823)$$, $$X(3900)$$, and the mass of the $$2^{++}$$ state is close to that of $$X(3940)$$. For them, the discrepancies are about $$sim 10$$ MeV. This may suggest that the quantum numbers of the controversial states are $$X(3823)=1^{+-}, X(3900)=1^{+-}, X(3940)=2^{++}$$. In this work, we use the same inputs parameters, the constituent quark masses and the strength of the color-spin interaction, that have been adopted in the previous work on the $$D$$ or $$B$$-meson excited states. There, it was shown that the four-quark structure can be manifested in their excited states. Thus, our results in this work provide a consistent treatment on open- and hidden-charm mesons as far as the four-quark model is concerned.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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