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超深地層研究所計画; 再冠水試験に係わる調査研究; 研究坑道の冠水に伴う岩盤変位

Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project; Study on groundwater recovery experiment; Rock mass displacement during the water filling of the research gallery

桑原 和道; 松井 裕哉 ; 尾崎 裕介  

Kuwabara, Kazumichi; Matsui, Hiroya; Ozaki, Yusuke


It has begun to groundwater recovery experiment, which measured to build a system to measure the rock behavior using the optical fiber-type rock displacement sensor as part of this experiment in the rock mechanical investigations at the Phase III. This report presents the results of following rock mechanical investigations conducted in FY 2015. Measurement system for rock mass displacement using optical fiber was installed at the - 500m stage as part of the groundwater recovery experiment.



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