Measurement of void fraction distribution in air-water two-phase flow in a 44 rod bundle
Liu, W.; Jiao, L.; 永武 拓 ; 柴田 光彦 ; 小松 正夫*; 高瀬 和之*; 吉田 啓之
Liu, W.; Jiao, L.; Nagatake, Taku; Shibata, Mitsuhiko; Komatsu, Masao*; Takase, Kazuyuki*; Yoshida, Hiroyuki
原子力機構では、福島事故時炉心露出過程を明らかにするため、また、事故時を対象とした炉心内二相流解析の予測精度の向上を目的として、ワイヤーメッシュセンサーを用い、高温高圧条件(2.8MPa, 232C)下でのバンドル内ボイド率データの取得を行っている。試験装置は、99ワイヤーメッシュセンサーを44の模擬バンドル内に、軸方向2カ所に配置したものである。本研究では、製作したワイヤーメッシュセンサーの計測性能を確認するため、空気-水二相流を用いて大気圧室温条件で試験を実施した。製作したワイヤーメッシュセンサー及び計測システムが正しくボイド率を計測できることを確認すると共に、炉心スクラム後を想定した低流量条件でのバンドル内ボイド率分布及び気泡速度・長さに関する知見を得た。
To contribute the clarification of the Fukushima Daiichi Accident, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been performed experiments to obtain void fraction distribution data, including detailed bubble information such as bubble velocity and size, in steam-water two-phase flow in rod bundle geometry under high pressure and high temperature condition, focusing on low flow rate at the core natural circulation flow condition after the reactor scram. In this research, experimental apparatus for measuring void fraction distribution in the 44 rod bundle was constructed. To measure the void fraction distribution under high pressure and high temperature condition (up to 2.8 MPa, 232 C), two wire mesh sensors (WMSs) were installed. To confirm the applicability of the installed WMSs and the measuring system for two-phase flow in rod bundle, experiments in air-water two-phase flow under atmospheric pressure and room temperature were performed. As a result, it was confirmed that the installed WMSs can be applicable to the two-phase flow in rod bundle. Measured results, such as instantaneous and time-averaged void fraction distribution in the rod bundle, average void fraction across the cross section of the flow channel, bubble length and velocity, were also reported.