※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Beam-loss monitoring signals of interlocked events at the J-PARC Linac

J-PARC LINACでのインターロック事象でのビームロスモニタ信号

林 直樹  ; 加藤 裕子; 三浦 昭彦 ; 二ツ川 健太*; 宮尾 智章*

Hayashi, Naoki; Kato, Yuko; Miura, Akihiko; Futatsukawa, Kenta*; Miyao, Tomoaki*


It is important to understand why the beam loss occurs during user operation. It is understandable that the beam loss results from RF cavities failure. However, it would be still useful to study the beam loss detailed mechanism and to know which beam loss monitor (BLM) experiences the highest loss or is most sensitive. This may lead a reduction in the number of interlocked events and a more stable accelerator operation. The J-PARC Linac BLM has a simple data recorder that comprises multiple oscilloscopes. Although its functionality is limited, it can record events when an interlock is triggered. Of particular interest here are the events associated with only the BLM Machine Protection System (MPS). These may reveal hidden problems with the accelerator.



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