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Deflector design for spin rotator in muon linear accelerator


Artikova, S.; 近藤 恭弘   ; 三部 勉*; 大谷 将士*

Artikova, S.; Kondo, Yasuhiro; Mibe, Tsutomu*; Otani, Masashi*

A muon g-2/EDM experiment based on muon linear accelerator was proposed for the J-PARC muon facility. In this experiment, the ultra-slow muons created in muonium target region will be accelerated to 210 MeV kinetic energy then will be injected into the muon storage magnet to measure the decay products depending on the muon spin. Therefore, a spin rotator (device) is a key component of the muon linac. Spin rotator consists of a pair of combined electrostatic and magnetic deflectors and a pair of solenoids which will be placed in between these two deflectors. In this paper, we report the design of these two dispersionless deflectors and the simulation results of the device performance will be discussed.



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