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Synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of Ti/Al ohmic contacts to n-type GaN; Key role of Al capping layers in interface scavenging reactions

n型GaN接触Ti/AlNオーミック接触の放射光X線光電子分光; 界面捕捉反応におけるAlキャッピング層の役割

野崎 幹人*; 伊藤 丈予*; 淺原 亮平*; 中澤 敏志*; 石田 昌宏*; 上田 哲三*; 吉越 章隆 ; 細井 卓治*; 志村 考功*; 渡部 平司*

Nozaki, Mikito*; Ito, Joyo*; Asahara, Ryohei*; Nakazawa, Satoshi*; Ishida, Masahiro*; Ueda, Tetsuzo*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Hosoi, Takuji*; Shimura, Takayoshi*; Watanabe, Heiji*


Interface reactions between Ti-based electrodes and n-type GaN epilayers were investigated by synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Metallic Ga and thin TiN alloys were formed at the interface by subsequently depositing Al capping layers on ultrathin Ti layers even at room temperature. By comparing results from stacked Ti/Al and single Ti electrodes, the essential role of Al capping layers serving as an oxygen-scavenging element to produce reactive Ti underlayers was demonstrated. Further growth of the metallic interlayer during annealing was observed. A strategy for achieving low-resistance ohmic contacts to n-GaN with low-thermal-budget processing is discussed.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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