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Reaction between ortho-positronium and OH radical in water

平出 哲也  

Hirade, Tetsuya


A high energy positron injected in water will form cations and then OH radical will be formed. On the other hand, an excess electron formed by the inization and positrons can form Positronium (Ps). The electrons in OH and Ps used to be in a same orbital in a water molecule before ionization of that water molecule. Therefore they were singlet at the time of the ionization. Every electron have each own hyperfine coupling constant after ionization. In water, reaction between Ps and OH, such as radical reaction or spin conversion, is possible. Therefore, quantum beats on these reaction can occur and the frequency of quantum beats will indicate the hyperfine coupling constant of OH which depends on the structure around OH. At 15$$^{circ}$$C and 10$$^{circ}$$C, quantum beats were observed and it indicated that water structure changed at these temperature range.



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