※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Degradation behavior of optical components by gamma irradiation (Contract research)

武内 伴照   ; 柴田 裕司 ; 花川 裕規 ; 上原 聡明*; 上野 俊二*; 土谷 邦彦 ; 熊原 肇*; 柴垣 太郎*; 駒野目 裕久*

Takeuchi, Tomoaki; Shibata, Hiroshi; Hanakawa, Hiroki; Uehara, Toshiaki*; Ueno, Shunji*; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko; Kumahara, Hajime*; Shibagaki, Taro*; Komanome, Hirohisa*


Under severe accidents, high-integrity transmission techniques are necessary so as to monitor the situation of the nuclear power plant. In this study, effects of gamma irradiation up to 10$$^{6}$$Gy on properties of optical devices were evaluated toward the development of a radiation-resistant in-water wireless transmission system using visible light. After the irradiation, for the LEDs, the total luminous flux decreased and the browning of resin lenses occurred. Meanwhile, the current-voltage characteristics hardly changed. For the PDs, the light sensitivity decreased and the browning of resin window occurred. The dark currents of PDs did not become large enough to adversely affect transmission. These results indicated that both the decreases of the total luminous flux of the LEDs and the light sensitivity of the PDs were mainly caused by not the degradation of the semiconductor parts but the browning of the resin parts by the irradiation. In addition, basic decrease behaviors of light transmission of several different types of glasses by gamma irradiation were also obtained so as to select the suitable optical windows and filters for the developing radiation-resistant in-water wireless transmission system.



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