※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of security and safety fuel for Pu-burner HTGR, 2; Design study of fuel and reactor core

プルトニウム燃焼高温ガス炉を実現するセキュリティ強化型安全燃料開発,2; 燃料及び炉心の設計研究

後藤 実  ; 植田 祥平   ; 相原 純 ; 稲葉 良知  ; 深谷 裕司   ; 橘 幸男 ; 岡本 孝司*

Goto, Minoru; Ueta, Shohei; Aihara, Jun; Inaba, Yoshitomo; Fukaya, Yuji; Tachibana, Yukio; Okamoto, Koji*


A PuO$$_{2}$$-YSZ fuel kernel with a ZrC coating, which enhances safety, security and safeguard, namely: 3S-TRISO fuel, was proposed to introduce to the plutonium-burner HTGR. In this study, the efficiency of the ZrC coating as the free-oxygen getter was examined based on a thermochemical calculation. A preliminary study on the feasibility of the 3S-TRISO fuel was conducted focusing on the internal pressure. Additionally, a nuclear feasibility of the reactor core was studied. As a result, all the amount of the free-oxygen is captured by a thin ZrC coating under 1600$$^{circ}$$C and coating ZrC on the fuel kernel should be very effective method to suppress the internal pressure. The internal pressure of the 3S-TRISO fuel at 500 GWd/t is lower than that of UO$$_{2}$$ kernel TRISO fuel whose feasibility had been already confirmed and the 3S-TRISO fuel should be feasible. The fuel shuffling allows to achieve 500 GWd/t. The temperature coefficient of reactivity is negative during the operation period and thus the nuclear feasibility of the reactor core should be achievable.



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