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New measurement of the $$^{8}$$Li($$alpha$$,n)$$^{11}$$B reaction in a lower-energy region below the Coulomb barrier


Das, S. K.*; 福田 共和*; 溝井 浩*; 石山 博恒*; 宮武 宇也*; 渡辺 裕*; 平山 賀一*; Jeong, S. C.*; 池添 博*; 松田 誠  ; 西尾 勝久   ; 橋本 尚志*

Das, S. K.*; Fukuda, Tomokazu*; Mizoi, Yutaka*; Ishiyama, Hironobu*; Miyatake, Hiroari*; Watanabe, Yutaka*; Hirayama, Yoshikazu*; Jeong, S. C.*; Ikezoe, Hiroshi*; Matsuda, Makoto; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Hashimoto, Takashi*

The $$^{8}$$Li($$alpha$$,n)$$^{11}$$B reaction is regarded as the key reaction in the inhomogeneous big bang and in type-II supernova nucleosynthesis. Recently, the importance of this reaction to solving the $$^{7}$$Li problem, i.e., the inconsistency between the predicted and the observed primordial $$^{7}$$Li abundances, has also been noted. The most recent cross-section data published by our collaboration group in 2006 [H. Ishiyama et al., Phys. Lett. B 640, 82 (2006)] cover the 0.7- to 2.6-MeV energy region in the center-of-mass system. Here, we present additional data spanning the 0.45- to 1.80-MeV energy region. Thus, the predominant energy region for the big bang nucleosynthesis, corresponding to T$$_{9}$$ = 1 (where T$$_{9}$$ is a temperature unit equivalent to 109 K), is almost completely spanned by the previous [H. Ishiyama et al., Phys. Lett. B 640, 82 (2006)] and present results together.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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