※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of a neutron microscope using Wolter supermirror


曽山 和彦  ; 林田 洋寿*; 山崎 大  ; 丸山 龍治   ; 山村 和也*; 後藤 惟樹*; 小林 勇輝*

Soyama, Kazuhiko; Hayashida, Hirotoshi*; Yamazaki, Dai; Maruyama, Ryuji; Yamamura, Kazuya*; Goto, Yoshiki*; Kobayashi, Yuki*

Fundamental problems of magnetism and exiting potentials of magnetic materials have been investigated energetically for spintronics devices and topological nature of magnetic materials. Neutrons having no charge and spin 1/2, are very attractive probe to image magnetic properties in deep-surface regions. We have been developing a neutron microscope with Wolter supermirror which was fabricated by replica method. Wolter supermirror consists of an ellipsoidal mirror and a confocal hyperboloidal mirror that strictly satisfy the Abbe sine condition. The magnification ratio of the projection optics is 12.5:1. 2-d position sensitive neutron detector with zooming tube was developed for high position resolution with tens of micrometers. the magnification ratio of this system and requested figure error are discussed.



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