※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Axial flow characteristics of bubbly flow in a vertical large-diameter square duct


Shen, X.*; 孫 昊旻   ; Deng, B.*; 日引 俊*; 中村 秀夫  

Shen, X.*; Sun, Haomin; Deng, B.*; Hibiki, Takashi*; Nakamura, Hideo


An experimental study on the upward bubbly air-water flows in a vertical large-diameter square duct have been performed by using four-sensor probes. The four-sensor probe were applied in the local measurements at 3 axial positions along the flow direction to obtain interfacial area concentration, 3-D bubble velocity vector and bubble diameter. The obtained void fraction, interfacial area concentration, 3-D bubble velocity vector and bubble diameter provided valuable insight into the flow structure and will serve as a valuable database to develop the mechanistic models for interfacial area transport equation sources and sinks.



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