核データ研究の最前線; たゆまざる真値の追及、そして新たなニーズへ応える為に,1; 多様化する原子核工学と核データのニーズ
Cutting-edge studies on nuclear data for continuous and emerging need, 1; Diversifying nuclear applications and need for the nuclear data
須山 賢也; 国枝 賢 ; 深堀 智生 ; 千葉 豪*
Suyama, Kenya; Kunieda, Satoshi; Fukahori, Tokio; Chiba, Go*
The nuclear data is the data on the reaction probability between the neutron and the nuclide in a narrow sense. However generally speaking, it is the data describing the physical change of the nuclide and the status of the nuclear ration. Since Japan had started the nuclear energy development, the nuclear data has been one of the most important technical development theme. Now, the nuclear data library of Japan, i.e., JENDL, is well recognized internationally because of the highest-accuracy and fully-furnished types of the included data. This serial lecture describes the significance and the status of the nuclear data development, the international trend, and the direction of the future development.