Study on nuclear material management for fuel debris
宮地 紀子
; 高田 映*; 岩淵 淳一; 富川 裕文; 芝 知宙
; 奥村 啓介
; 長谷 竹晃
; 名内 泰志*
Miyaji, Noriko; Takada, Akira*; Iwafuchi, Junichi; Tomikawa, Hirofumi; Shiba, Tomooki; Okumura, Keisuke; Nagatani, Taketeru; Nauchi, Yasushi*
Nuclear materials in fuel debris need to be properly managed in order to assure to the international and national communities that no nuclear materials have been diverted. In order to provide this assurance, specific measures appropriate to the characteristics of the fuel debris are required. There is experience at managing fuel debris in similar situations, as it was the case of the partial meltdown at the TMI-2 in the US. The nuclear material in the fuel debris retrieved from the reactor was quantified in order to fulfill domestic law requirements in the US. NDA, DA, and visual observation were applied to the residual fuel in the reactor. On that specific accident, IAEA safeguards were not applied because the USA is a nuclear weapon state and therefore this power plant was not inspected by the IAEA. Nuclear material accounting (NMA)is an important measure to manage nuclear materials for states under IAEA safeguards. In this presentation a report on NMA as a measure to manage fuel debris will be discussed.