Research concept of decommissioning knowledge management for the Fugen NPP
樽田 泰宜 ; 柳原 敏*; 井口 幸弘 ; 北村 高一 ; 手塚 将志 ; 香田 有哉
Taruta, Yasuyoshi; Yanagihara, Satoshi*; Iguchi, Yukihiro; Kitamura, Koichi; Tezuka, Masashi; Koda, Yuya
The IAEA are developed the discussion for those situations and pointed out the importance of nuclear knowledge management. The nuclear knowledge management is developing a database as nuclear knowledge management. In recent years, the IAEA has also advanced knowledge taxonomies on nuclear accidents. These studies are attempts to appropriately arrange and utilize huge amounts of information. Even in nuclear facilities in Japan, it is pointed out that veteran staff aging and loss of knowledge and skill caused by retirement. Therefore, we created a prototype database system to utilize past knowledge and information for ATR Fugen. Now, there are few cases of past decommissioning that can be utilized. This study of pilot model concept revealed that it is not sufficient to just prepare a past data and information. This is what information other than the construction report requires the decommissioning and what kind of information should be gathered.