Observation of the signal increase for electrochemical devices placed near PWR and intense tritium source
須田 翔哉*; 石橋 健二*; Lee, E.*; 執行 信寛*; 池田 伸夫*; Sun, G. M.*; Han, B.-Y.*; 高田 弘
; 原田 正英

Suda, Shoya*; Ishibashi, Kenji*; Lee, E.*; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Ikeda, Nobuo*; Sun, G. M.*; Han, B.-Y.*; Takada, Hiroshi; Harada, Masahide
Our group has experience to carry out the experiment with small electrochemical devices at heavy-water-moderated Advanced Thermal Reactor (ATR, FUGEN), and observed a clear signal increase near the reactor core. The present study is aiming at demonstrating the response of the electrochemical device to tritium amount. The experiments were performed at (1) Pressurized right Water Reactor (PWR, tritium amount of 30 g and a great quantity of beta emitters) at a distance of 26 m from the core, and (2) Tritium Process Laboratory of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (TPL, tritium amount ~10 g) at a position of 8.6 m from the source. Signal increase was observed in both measurements. Analysis made clear that the detector signal is ascribed to the amount of low-energy beta emitters of plutonium 241 and tritium in the PWR experiment while it is attributed to the quantity of tritium in the TPL measurement.