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Shell evolution beyond $$N$$=40; $$^{69,71,73}$$Cu

$$N$$=40を超える型殻進化; $$^{69,71,73}$$Cuの核分光

Sahin, E.*; Doncel, M.*; Sieja, K.*; De Angelis, G.*; Gadea, A.*; Quintana, B.*; G$"o$rgen, A.*; Modamio, V.*; Mengoni, D.*; Valiente-Dob$'o$n, J. J.*; John, P. R.*; Albers, M.*; Bazzacco, D.*; Benzoni, G.*; Birkenbach, B.*; Cederwall, B.*; Cl$'e$ment, E.*; Curien, D.*; Corradi, L.*; Des$'e$quelles, P.*; Dewald, A.*; Didierjean, F.*; Duch$^e$ne, G.*; Eberth, J.*; Erduran, M. N.*; Farnea, E.*; Fioretto, E.*; de France, G.*; Fransen, C.*; Gernh$"a$user, R.*; Gottardo, A.*; Hackstein, M.*; Hagen, T.*; Hern$'a$ndez-Prieto, A.*; Hess, H.*; H$"u$y$"u$k, T.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Klupp, S.*; Korten, W.*; Kusoglu, A.*; Lenzi, S. M.*; Ljungvall, J.*; Louchart, C.*; Lunardi, S.*; Menegazzo, R.*; Michelagnoli, C.*; Mijatovi$'c$, T.*; Million, B.*; Molini, P.*; Montagnoli, G.*; Montanari, D.*; M$"o$ller, O.*; Napoli, D. R.*; Obertelli, A.*; Orlandi, R.  ; Pollarolo, G.*; Pullia, A.*; Recchia, F.*; Reiter, P.*; Rosso, D.*; Rother, W.*; Salsac, M.-D.*; Scarlassara, F.*; Schlarb, M.*; Siem, S.*; Singh, P. P.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Stefanini, A. M.*; St$'e$zowski, O.*; Sulignano, B.*; Szilner, S.*; Theisen, Ch.*; Ur, C. A.*; Yalcinkaya, M.*

Sahin, E.*; Doncel, M.*; Sieja, K.*; De Angelis, G.*; Gadea, A.*; Quintana, B.*; G$"o$rgen, A.*; Modamio, V.*; Mengoni, D.*; Valiente-Dob$'o$n, J. J.*; John, P. R.*; Albers, M.*; Bazzacco, D.*; Benzoni, G.*; Birkenbach, B.*; Cederwall, B.*; Cl$'e$ment, E.*; Curien, D.*; Corradi, L.*; Des$'e$quelles, P.*; Dewald, A.*; Didierjean, F.*; Duch$^e$ne, G.*; Eberth, J.*; Erduran, M. N.*; Farnea, E.*; Fioretto, E.*; de France, G.*; Fransen, C.*; Gernh$"a$user, R.*; Gottardo, A.*; Hackstein, M.*; Hagen, T.*; Hern$'a$ndez-Prieto, A.*; Hess, H.*; H$"u$y$"u$k, T.*; Jungclaus, A.*; Klupp, S.*; Korten, W.*; Kusoglu, A.*; Lenzi, S. M.*; Ljungvall, J.*; Louchart, C.*; Lunardi, S.*; Menegazzo, R.*; Michelagnoli, C.*; Mijatovi$'c$, T.*; Million, B.*; Molini, P.*; Montagnoli, G.*; Montanari, D.*; M$"o$ller, O.*; Napoli, D. R.*; Obertelli, A.*; Orlandi, R.; Pollarolo, G.*; Pullia, A.*; Recchia, F.*; Reiter, P.*; Rosso, D.*; Rother, W.*; Salsac, M.-D.*; Scarlassara, F.*; Schlarb, M.*; Siem, S.*; Singh, P. P.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Stefanini, A. M.*; St$'e$zowski, O.*; Sulignano, B.*; Szilner, S.*; Theisen, Ch.*; Ur, C. A.*; Yalcinkaya, M.*

The level structure of the neutron-rich $$^{69}$$Cu, $$^{71}$$Cu, and $$^{73}$$Cu isotopes was investigated using multinucleon transfer reactions at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro using the AGATA Demonstrator array coupled to the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer. Lifetimes of excited states in Cu nuclei were measured with the recoil-distance Doppler-shift method. The resulting electromagnetic matrix elements for transitions from excited states in $$^{69,71,73}$$Cu nuclei was used to assess the collective or single-particle character of these states. The results are compared with predictions of large-scale shell-model calculations, showing how the proton pf shell evolve as neutrons fill the 1g$$_{9/2}$$ orbital.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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