Modeling and simulation of redistribution of oxygen-to-metal ratio in MOX
廣岡 瞬
; 加藤 正人
; 渡部 雅

Hirooka, Shun; Kato, Masato; Watanabe, Masashi
This study suggested the time development of oxygen-to-metal ratio (O/M) redistribution model with oxygen-related properties in MOX. Irradiation simulation including the suggested O/M redistribution and pore migration with vaporization-condensation model which bares density redistribution was demonstrated. The simulation results showed that O/M redistribution proceeded at lower temperature than density redistribution, which indicated that oxygen diffusion got influential at lower temperature than vaporization-condensation of MOX. Another find was that O/M redistribution was very slow at the surface because temperature kept low. However, near the surface (inside from the surface) where the temperature exceeded 1000 K, O/M redistribution was rather recognizable with oxygen flown from inner region to the near-surface. The results will be evaluated by comparison with post-irradiation examination data.