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 年 ~ 

ICRP2007年勧告に基づく内部被ばく線量評価コードの開発,3; 放射性核種の摂取量推定機能の概念設計

Development of internal-dosimetry code based on ICRP 2007 Recommendations, 3; Conceptual design of calculation function for intake of radionuclides

佐藤 薫   ; 真辺 健太郎   ; 嶋 洋佑*; 高橋 史明  

Sato, Kaoru; Manabe, Kentaro; Shima, Yosuke*; Takahashi, Fumiaki


ICRP published the 2007 fundamental Recommendations. The monitoring data is essential to internal dose assessment against workers and publics. In future, these dose assessments will be based on the 2007 Recommendations. Therefore, we started the conceptual design of calculation program for intake of radionuclides based on ICRP 2007 Recommendations. We also plan that the GUI function and calculation function of time dependent radioactivity in body will be are added to developing calculation program.



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