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詳細二相流解析コードTPFITを用いた気泡の挙動および接合過程に関わる基礎的研究,1; 圧力の影響

Study on behavior of bubbles and process of coalescence by using CMFD simulation code TPFIT, 1; Effect of pressure on the behavior of bubbles and process of coalescence

小野 綾子 ; 吉田 啓之  ; 鈴木 貴行*

Ono, Ayako; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Suzuki, Takayuki*


The behavior of bubbles and the process of coalescence are simulated by a computational multi-fluid dynamics (CMFD) simulation code TPFIT, which will contribute to develop the prediction method of critical heat flux based on the liquid-layer evaporation model. In this study, the calculation results in various pressure condition will be shown and the effect of the pressure on the behavior of bubbles will be discussed.



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