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 年 ~ 

Battery-free, skin-interfaced microfluidic/electronic systems for simultaneous electrochemical, colorimetric, and volumetric analysis of sweat


Bandodkar, A. J.*; Gutruf, P.*; Choi, J.*; Lee, K.-H.*; 関根 由莉奈   ; Reeder, J. T.*; Jeang, W. J.*; Aranyosi, A. J.*; Lee, S. P.*; Model, J. B.*; Ghaffari, R.*; Su, C.-J.*; Leshock, J. P.*; Ray, T.*; Verrillo, A.*; Thomas, K.*; Krishnamurthi, V.*; Han, S.*; Kim, J.*; Krishnan, S.*; Hang, T.*; Rogers, J. A.*

Bandodkar, A. J.*; Gutruf, P.*; Choi, J.*; Lee, K.-H.*; Sekine, Yurina; Reeder, J. T.*; Jeang, W. J.*; Aranyosi, A. J.*; Lee, S. P.*; Model, J. B.*; Ghaffari, R.*; Su, C.-J.*; Leshock, J. P.*; Ray, T.*; Verrillo, A.*; Thomas, K.*; Krishnamurthi, V.*; Han, S.*; Kim, J.*; Krishnan, S.*; Hang, T.*; Rogers, J. A.*

非侵襲でバイオマーカーを検出し得るウェアラブルデバイスが注目されている。しかしながら現在までに存在するウェアラブルデバイスはその電力源や検出部分などの小型化が困難であったことから重さや大きさの点でポータビリティに欠けていた。本研究では、バッテリーフリーでかつ電気的、呈色式を用いて重要バイオマーカーである塩化物, 乳酸, グルコース, pHを検出できるスウェットデバイスを開発した。

Interest in advanced wearable technologies increasingly extends beyond systems for biophysical measurements to those that enable continuous, non-invasive monitoring of biochemical markers in biofluids. Here, we introduce battery-free, wireless microelectronic platforms that perform sensing via schemes inspired by the operation of biofuel cells. Combining these systems in a magnetically releasable manner with chrono-sampling microfluidic networks that incorporate assays based on colorimetric sensing yields thin, flexible, lightweight, skin-interfaced technologies with broad functionality in sweat analysis. A demonstration device allows simultaneous monitoring of sweat rate/loss, along with quantitative measurements of pH and of lactate, glucose and chloride concentrations using biofuel cell and colorimetric approaches.



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分野:Multidisciplinary Sciences



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