Lattice and bulk expansion of
Cm-doped nitride induced by self-irradiation damage at room temperature
高野 公秀
; 高木 聖也

Takano, Masahide; Takaki, Seiya
To understand behavior of the nitride fuel for minor actinide transmutation, lattice and bulk expansion of the nitride fuel pellet induced by
self-irradiation at room temperature was investigated. Lattice parameter and dimensions of the (Pu,Cm,Zr)N nitride fuel pellet were repeatedly measured at room temperature as a function of storage period, and their relationship was considered. The lattice expansion followed the model equation well, and saturated to 0.49%, which is greater than that for CmN. The higher density of metallic elements in (Pu,Cm,Zr)N can be the main cause of the greater expansion. On the other hand, both the pellet diameter and height increased with the expansion curve similar to the lattice expansion, and saturated approximately to 0.5%. From this similarity we have found that the main cause of the bulk expansion is the lattice expansion due to the accumulation of Frenkel defects.