Materials challenges for future nuclear fuel cycles; R&D on nitride fuel cycle for MA transmutation
将来の燃料サイクルのための材料の挑戦; マイナーアクチノイド核変換用窒化物燃料の研究開発
高野 公秀 
Takano, Masahide
We have studied nitride fuels for the accelerator driven system (ADS) as a potential candidate for MA transmutation fuels in these two decades. We have demonstrated the synthesis of MA nitrides from the oxides and the sintering of fuel pellets. Material properties such as thermal conductivity and thermal expansion have been also measured to develop the database. Based on these experience and fundamental knowledge, now we strive toward the R&D in engineering scale. As for the fuel fabrication, application of sol-gel process and economical use of
N-enriched nitrogen gas are main technical challenges. Development of the fuel performance code optimized for the nitride fuel is also important. In addition to the existing data, we are studying thermomechanical properties, compatibility with cladding materials, and behavior of accumulated helium to develop models describing high temperature phenomena in the fuel pins.