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Dynamic behavior analysis of low energy electrons induced by water radiolysis

甲斐 健師   ; 米谷 佳晃*

Kai, Takeshi; Yonetani, Yoshiteru*


Study for radiation DNA damage is very important to understand initial factors for mutation and cancer inductions. From much investigation for DNA base damage, oxidative and reductive base damage are much detected, rather than abasic damage originated from molecular dissociation. To reveal the reason, the dynamic behavior of secondary electrons was analyzed using semi-classical dynamic Monte-Carlo code developed in this study. From the results, it was found that the abasic damage was slightly produced because 15% of electronic excited electrons were formed in liquid water. The results will contribute to analyses for the radiation DNA damage, and will provide us a significant fundamental insight for formation of deleterious complex clustered DNA damage leading further biological effects.



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