Present status of water cooling system at J-PARC linac 2018
菅沼 和明 ; 廣木 文雄 ; 伊藤 崇 ; 山崎 良雄
Suganuma, Kazuaki; Hiroki, Fumio; Ito, Takashi; Yamazaki, Yoshio
It is the report to improve the problem of flow reduction in water cooling system resolved completely in summer, 2017. It is continued the phenomenon decreasing the flow (5,800 L/min) of circulating water cooling in DTL and SDTL about 3% per week. By the flow reduction, the entire operation of J-PARC and operation of the accelerator are stopped and low flow contact of flowmeter installed in cavities. The phenomenon is progressed about 9 years since we confirm it and drastic measures for it are aspired. In this report, the point of interest to solve this problem is written. Similarly, it is suggested that the point we should be careful when we use the water cooling system it is one of the utility of J-PARC accelerator. In last summer, the flow reduction is not occur completely as specification changes and replacement of the pumps. Thanks of that, the entire operation and operation of accelerator of J-PARC is operated safety.