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Pulsed-field NMR study of field-induced quantum critical region in CeIn$$_3$$

徳永 陽  

Tokunaga, Yo


We report pulsed-field NMR study in the prototypical heavy fermion material CeIn$$_3$$. The compound exhibits a field-induced anomaly in high field around 45 T. The anomaly is associated with a Fermi surface reconstruction, and has been discussed as the consequence of a Lifshitz transition or a metamagnetic transition, both of which can be driven by strong magnetic field. However, we have not detected any visible change in our pulsed-field NMR spectra that could suggest a modification either in the character of the hyperfine field or in the electric field gradient at In sites. This strongly suggests that the 45 T anomaly cannot be simply ascribed to a field-induced change of the magnetic structure in the antiferromagnetic state.



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