※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of Ru chemistry database under severe accident conditions of nuclear facilities

宮原 直哉; 三輪 周平  ; Miradji, F.; Liu, J.  ; 堀口 直樹   ; 逢坂 正彦  

Miyahara, Naoya; Miwa, Shuhei; Miradji, F.; Liu, J.; Horiguchi, Naoki; Osaka, Masahiko


In order to contribute to the improvement of source term under severe accidents of nuclear facilities, a database of gaseous phase chemical reaction rate constants in the Ru-N-O-H system was developed. The data implemented in the database were prepared by either literature review or, if the literature data was not available, ab-initio based calculation. It was confirmed by preliminary analyses that there is no lack of reaction path in the database and the changes of Ru chemical forms were successfully calculated. These results indicated that the developed database would be useful to evaluate Ru chemical forms considering the chemical reaction kinetics.



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