Development of the neutron polarizer for the T-violation search using compound nuclei
奥平 琢也; 奥 隆之 ; 酒井 健二 ; 猪野 隆*; 林田 洋寿*; 廣井 孝介 ; 篠原 武尚 ; 加倉井 和久*; 相澤 一也 ; 清水 裕彦*; 北口 雅暁*; 山本 知樹*
Okudaira, Takuya; Oku, Takayuki; Sakai, Kenji; Ino, Takashi*; Hayashida, Hirotoshi*; Hiroi, Kosuke; Shinohara, Takenao; Kakurai, Kazuhisa*; Aizawa, Kazuya; Shimizu, Hirohiko*; Kitaguchi, Masaaki*; Yamamoto, Tomoki*
The technology development section carries out the development of the neutron polarization device: He Spin Filter. It is often used for the fundamental physics region. In order to explain the matter-dominated universe, a time reversal violation is necessary and searches for new physics are conducted in the world. The T-violation search using a polarized neutron beam is planned at J-PARC. A large He spin filter is needed to polarize high energy neutrons for the experiment and is developed in JAEA. Recently, we developed the accurate measurement system to evaluate the polarization of He and a vacuum system to make the He spin filter, and large He spin filters for epi-thermal neutron was made using the system. The current status of the development of the He spin filter will be talked.