※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Validation of subchannel analysis code to thermal-hydraulic design of fuel assembly with inner duct structure of an advanced sodium-cooled fast reactor


菊地 紀宏  ; 今井 康友*; 吉川 龍志  ; 田中 正暁  

Kikuchi, Norihiro; Imai, Yasutomo*; Yoshikawa, Ryuji; Tanaka, Masaaki


In design study of an advanced sodium-cooled fast reactor, adoption of Fuel Assembly (FA) with Inner DUct Structure (FAIDUS) has been investigated as one of the measures to enhance safety of the reactor. Numerical simulation of FAIDUS using subchannel analysis code named ASFRE for a design tool of FA was previously conducted to confirm its applicability to the thermal-hydraulics analysis in FAIDUS. In this study, numerical simulations of FAIDUS and a typical FA using detailed analysis code named SPIRAL under a high flow rate condition were performed. Numerical results using SPIRAL and ASFRE were well comparable. Applicability of ASFER for a thermal-hydraulic design tool of FAIDUS was potentially indicated in comparison with the results of SPIRAL.



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