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 年 ~ 

Validation and verification for the melting and eutectic models in JUPITER code


Chai, P.; 山下 晋   ; 永江 勇二 ; 倉田 正輝 

Chai, P.; Yamashita, Susumu; Nagae, Yuji; Kurata, Masaki


In order to obtain a precise understanding of molten material behavior inside RPV and to improve the accuracy of the SA code, a new computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code with multi-phase, multi-physics models, which is called JUPITER, was developed. It optimized the algorithms of the multi-phase calculation. Besides, the chemical reactions are also modeled carefully in the code so that the melting process could be treated precisely. A series of verification and validation studies are conducted, which show good agreement with analytical solutions and previous experiments. The capabilities of the multi-physics models in JUPITER code provide us another useful tool to investigate the molten material behaviors in the relevant severe accident scenario.



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