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Dosimetric impact of a new computational voxel phantom series for the Japanese atomic bomb survivors; Pregnant females

日本原爆生存者に対する新しいボクセルファントムシリーズの線量評価への影響; 妊婦

Paulbeck, C.*; Griffin, K.*; Lee, C.*; Cullings, H.*; Egbert, S. D.*; 船本 幸代*; 佐藤 達彦   ; 遠藤 章   ; Hertel, N.*; Bolch, W. E.*

Paulbeck, C.*; Griffin, K.*; Lee, C.*; Cullings, H.*; Egbert, S. D.*; Funamoto, Sachiyo*; Sato, Tatsuhiko; Endo, Akira; Hertel, N.*; Bolch, W. E.*

妊婦及び胎児の原爆生存者に対する被ばく線量評価は、放射線影響の疫学研究の上で極めて重要となる。従来は、女性の子宮壁に対する線量を妊婦及び胎児の被ばく線量と仮定していたが、本研究では、最新の計算科学記述を用いて受胎8, 15, 25, 38週齢の胎児及び妊婦に対する詳細人体モデルを構築し、その被ばく線量を精度よく計算した。その結果、従来手法では、光子及び中性子前方照射に対して最大で12-16%及び44-54%被ばく線量を過大評価していたことが分かった。これらの結果は、今後、妊婦及び胎児に対する放射線感受性の疫学調査を実施する上で、極めて重要となる。

An important cohort of the atomic bomb survivors are pregnant females exposed to the photon and neutrons fields at both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as well as their children who were exposed ${it in-utero}$. In the present study, we present a new J45 (Japanese 1945) series of high-resolution phantoms of the adult pregnant female at 8-week, 15-week, 25-week, and 38-week post-conception. As for the maternal organ doses, the use of organ doses in a non-pregnant female were shown, in general, to overestimate the corresponding organ doses in the pregnant female, with greater deviations seen at later stages of pregnancy. These results demonstrate that the J45 pregnant female phantom series offers the opportunity for significant improvements in both fetal and maternal organ dose assessment within this unique cohort of the atomic bomb survivors.



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